
MITSUYA-KAI International

International <Japanese Karate-Do & Kobu-Do> Organization

Events of 2014

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(Meetings, Seminars & Presentation with Souke Seinosuke MITSUYA 8th Dan)

Info: Hanshi Seinosuke MITSUYA s_mitsuya e-mail:mitsuya@libero.it

www.mitsuya-kai.com (Photo of Events: 2008/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/2012/2013)


January: 1

(Friday) 31/Jan.- 01-02/Feb. -----Int. Seminar + Meeting in Lausanne (SWITZERLAND)
Info: Mobile:+41-763-411264, Shihan R. Conti, e-mail: roberto.conti@sunrise.ch


February: 2

March: 3

April: 4 

(Friday) 04-05-06/Apr. ----- Int. Seminar + Meeting in Brussels (BELGIUM)
Info: Mobile:+32-486-693332 , Shihan M. Delhez, e-mail: karate.andrimont@scarlet.be


May: 5

(Thursday) 29-30-31/May.- 01/Jun. ----Int. Seminar + Meeting in Stuttgart (GERMANY)
Info: Tel. +49-7143-4251, Fax. +49-7143-2989, Shihan G. Vermiglio, e-mail: webmaster@mitsuya-kai.de


June: 6

July: 7

August: 8

(Friday) 1-2-3/Aug. ----Int. Seminar + Meeting “Gasshuku” in Mátészalka (HUNGARY)
Info: Tel: +36-309088440, Fax:+36-44-417-010, Shihan A. Orosz, e-mail: mitsuya-kai@freemail.hu


September: 9

(Friday) 19-20-21/Sept. ----Int. Seminar + Meeting “Mitsuya-Kai Summit” in Palermo (ITALY)
Info: Fax/Tel. +39-091-455185, Souke S. Mitsuya, e-mail: mitsuya@libero.it


October: 10

(Saturday) 18-19/Oct. -----Int. Seminar + Meeting in Stuttgart (GERMANY)
Info: Tel. +49-7143-4251, Fax. +49-7143-2989, Shihan G. Vermiglio, e-mail: webmaster@shitoryu.de


November: 11

December: 12 


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